DÉVELOPPEMENT ET PAIX (www.devp.org) ) est à la fois un des plus importants mouvements pour le changement social et une des plus respectées agences de développement international au pays. « Agir pour un monde plus juste » présente une vue d'ensemble de la mission, des objectifs et du travail de DÉVELOPPEMENT ET PAIX.
vendredi 20 juin 2008
Agir pour un monde plus juste
DÉVELOPPEMENT ET PAIX (www.devp.org) ) est à la fois un des plus importants mouvements pour le changement social et une des plus respectées agences de développement international au pays. « Agir pour un monde plus juste » présente une vue d'ensemble de la mission, des objectifs et du travail de DÉVELOPPEMENT ET PAIX.
mercredi 18 juin 2008
Une pensée par jour - 18 juin
samedi 7 juin 2008
Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Council of Los Angeles Video
An educational video about the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Council of L.A., which has helped improve the quality of life for disadvantaged and homeless children, women and men since 1908.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul
A brief history and current view of the world's largest lay Catholic charitable group.
Père Gregory en Terre Sainte
visite du superieur générale aux filles de la charité de Jérusalem: la messe au Saint Sepulcre
St. Catherine Labouré and the Miraculous Medal - Grace Notes
In honor of the Feast Days, November 27 and November 28, this is compilation of photos and illustrations about the Miraculous Medal and Saint Catherine Labouré
A video presentation on the four Vincentian vows of stability,poverty,chastity and obedience.
A short introduction on the holy ones of the Vincentian Family. Just 8 minutes of watching and you will get to know about them!
vincentian vocation promotion
congregation of the mission philippine province
A short introduction on the holy ones of the Vincentian Family. Just 8 minutes of watching and you will get to know about them!
vincentian vocation promotion
congregation of the mission philippine province
NYer of the Week
NYer of the Week
Vietnamese Immigrant Gets College Students To Give Back
May 16, 2008
The latest New Yorker of the Week came to the United States in search of a better life. Now working at St. Johns University, he is motivating his colleagues and students to help better the lives of others. NY1's Michael Scotto filed the following report. Father Tri Minh Duong has devoted his life to serving others. A priest at St. Johns University, for the past three years he's organized volunteer projects for more than 1,500 students and staff. "He's got this incredible gift of being able to motivate people to volunteer," said Bread & Life Executive Director Tony Butler. "Every time he comes, he comes with a crew of students from the university, which we couldn't survive without." An immigrant from Vietnam, Duong came to the United States with his family in the early 1990s at age 20. He says he was surprised to find so many New Yorkers in need. "In Vietnam, the only thing we know about the United States was through the movie. So, the idea you have about the United States, is this rich country, where everybody has money and whatever you want is right there for you," he said. "But when I came to the United States, the reality is different." Life in Vietnam had been a daily struggle for Duong and his family. His mother cared for him and his nine siblings while his father was imprisoned for serving in the South Vietnamese Army. Upon arriving in the U.S., he entered the seminary and pledged his life to helping others. "I think Father Tri is a wonderful example to us of how somebody coming new to this country is such a wonderful addition and has so much to offer," said Sister Madeline Kavanagh, outreach coordinator of Bread & Life. Duong encourages the St. Johns community to offer their support. "It's very gratifying to know you can help someone else who needs a little help," said volunteer George Richardson. Gladys Castro relies on Bread & Life, a soup kitchen run by St. John's, which also provides medical and social services. Castro is served food every week by Duong and the volunteers. "People in New York City and all over, they could see you bleed and they don't approach you," she said. "But if you have a humble heart you will approach and that's what this father has." Each week Duong organizes free transportation for the volunteers, and spends time at more than ten organizations. "He embodies what New Yorkers do," said Butler. "Frequently most of us come from some place else, if another place in the country or another country, come without a lot of things and don't just take from the city but transform the city and make it different and make it better." And so for bringing the St. John's community to people in need and helping to transform their lives, Father Tri Minh Duong is our New Yorker of the Week. - Michael Scotto If you'd like to nominate someone to be NY1's New Yorker of the Week, send an email describing their qualifications to: nyer@ny1.com or mail a letter to:
NY1 News New Yorker of the Week 75 Ninth Avenue, 6th Floor New York, NY 10011
source : http://www.ny1.com/ny1/content/index.jsp?&aid=81685&search_result=1&stid=34
Vietnamese Immigrant Gets College Students To Give Back
May 16, 2008
The latest New Yorker of the Week came to the United States in search of a better life. Now working at St. Johns University, he is motivating his colleagues and students to help better the lives of others. NY1's Michael Scotto filed the following report. Father Tri Minh Duong has devoted his life to serving others. A priest at St. Johns University, for the past three years he's organized volunteer projects for more than 1,500 students and staff. "He's got this incredible gift of being able to motivate people to volunteer," said Bread & Life Executive Director Tony Butler. "Every time he comes, he comes with a crew of students from the university, which we couldn't survive without." An immigrant from Vietnam, Duong came to the United States with his family in the early 1990s at age 20. He says he was surprised to find so many New Yorkers in need. "In Vietnam, the only thing we know about the United States was through the movie. So, the idea you have about the United States, is this rich country, where everybody has money and whatever you want is right there for you," he said. "But when I came to the United States, the reality is different." Life in Vietnam had been a daily struggle for Duong and his family. His mother cared for him and his nine siblings while his father was imprisoned for serving in the South Vietnamese Army. Upon arriving in the U.S., he entered the seminary and pledged his life to helping others. "I think Father Tri is a wonderful example to us of how somebody coming new to this country is such a wonderful addition and has so much to offer," said Sister Madeline Kavanagh, outreach coordinator of Bread & Life. Duong encourages the St. Johns community to offer their support. "It's very gratifying to know you can help someone else who needs a little help," said volunteer George Richardson. Gladys Castro relies on Bread & Life, a soup kitchen run by St. John's, which also provides medical and social services. Castro is served food every week by Duong and the volunteers. "People in New York City and all over, they could see you bleed and they don't approach you," she said. "But if you have a humble heart you will approach and that's what this father has." Each week Duong organizes free transportation for the volunteers, and spends time at more than ten organizations. "He embodies what New Yorkers do," said Butler. "Frequently most of us come from some place else, if another place in the country or another country, come without a lot of things and don't just take from the city but transform the city and make it different and make it better." And so for bringing the St. John's community to people in need and helping to transform their lives, Father Tri Minh Duong is our New Yorker of the Week. - Michael Scotto If you'd like to nominate someone to be NY1's New Yorker of the Week, send an email describing their qualifications to: nyer@ny1.com or mail a letter to:
NY1 News New Yorker of the Week 75 Ninth Avenue, 6th Floor New York, NY 10011
source : http://www.ny1.com/ny1/content/index.jsp?&aid=81685&search_result=1&stid=34
vendredi 6 juin 2008
Fr. Pedro Opeka C.M.
(video en Anglais)
Madagascar Part 1 "dans la brousse" (en français)
Madagascar Part 2 "Chez le Père Pedro Opeka".
Messe pere pedro
Madagascar Part 1 "dans la brousse" (en français)
Madagascar Part 2 "Chez le Père Pedro Opeka".
Messe pere pedro
jeudi 5 juin 2008
Soeur Marta WIECKA
La béatification de Sœur Marta Wiecka, Fille de la Charité de saint Vincent de Paul (1874 - 1904), a lieu à Lviv, en Ukraine ce samedi 24 mai, au cours de l’Eucharistie présidée par le cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, secrétaire d’Etat du Vatican.
En Ukraine, au cimetière de Sniatyn, une tombe toujours décorée de fleurs, de lumières et de tissus brodés - selon la tradition du pays - attire de nombreux croyants. Catholiques, orthodoxes, juifs… Ils sont tous convaincus que la Soeur qui est enterrée là, depuis cent ans, est une sainte : ils l’appellent Matuska « Bonne maman» et viennent lui confier leurs soucis quotidiens, persuadés qu’elle s’en occupera près de Dieu comme elle le faisait lorsqu’elle était parmi eux. Dimanche, à Sniatyn, une prière œcuménique aura lieu devant la tombe de Sœur Marta Wiecka, suivie par une messe d’action de grâce.
Pour plus d’informations : http://www.martawiecka.pl/biographie.html
(vidéo en français)
En Ukraine, au cimetière de Sniatyn, une tombe toujours décorée de fleurs, de lumières et de tissus brodés - selon la tradition du pays - attire de nombreux croyants. Catholiques, orthodoxes, juifs… Ils sont tous convaincus que la Soeur qui est enterrée là, depuis cent ans, est une sainte : ils l’appellent Matuska « Bonne maman» et viennent lui confier leurs soucis quotidiens, persuadés qu’elle s’en occupera près de Dieu comme elle le faisait lorsqu’elle était parmi eux. Dimanche, à Sniatyn, une prière œcuménique aura lieu devant la tombe de Sœur Marta Wiecka, suivie par une messe d’action de grâce.
Pour plus d’informations : http://www.martawiecka.pl/biographie.html
(vidéo en français)
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